IOREX is the only pipe protection device that removes and prevents rust, scale, slime, and bio-film without using chemical inhibitors, expensive enzymes or powered cathodes which can rack up electricity bills.

Cooling towers need a cost-effective way to manage bio-film and internal rust/scale. IOREX is the no-maintenance solution to both issues. No reoccurring costs that drive up maintenance budgets like with chemical or enzyme inhibitors, And no staggering electric bills like with cathode solutions, IOREX needs no additives, electricity, and lasts over 20 years

COmmon Cooling Tower Water Issues

Biological Contamination (BioFilm)

By virtue of their function cooling towers are always going to be hot and moist environments. This makes cooling towers the ideal place for bacteria to grow and reproduce. As bacteria grows and reproduces it leaves behind a film of its biological rements which saps the efficiency of your cooling tower. This biofilm builds up on the internal workings of your cooling tower, lowering the thermal efficiency of the system. This means that the system has to work longer to achieve the same results. Which means it is using more electricity.

Corrosion and Rust

Rust and corrosion often form on cooling towers that are not maintained, but on closed loop systems it can be hard to stop the corrosion even with proper maintenance. The combination of air, water, salts, and other chemicals in our water supplies can eat away at the metal, cause pinhole leaks, rust,  or worse. This can decrease the efficiency of the heat exchange surfaces and decrease the lifespan of the internal parts.


When a cooling tower cannot exchange heat efficiently it raises costs for operators and puts more strain on the machinery. Scale is the buildup of minerals from the water to heat exchange surfaces. Scale robs your cooling tower of efficiency and must be removed or operating costs will skyrocket.


IOREX solves all three main causes of cooling tower efficiency drains.

  1. Scale is a binding process of metals (pillow structure) such as iron, calcium, manganese and magnesium and non-metals such as nitrogen and sodium chloride in water. Scale is caused by anode and cathode binding, and is then crystallized and settles on pipe surface, IOREX disrupts this binding process by reversing the charge of the water and thereby preventing the anode and cathode binding process. Existing scale on the pipe surface gradually melts down from this dis-binding process caused by the charged water.

  2. Rusting is caused by oxidation. Electrochemical electron exchange occurs with oxygen in passing water current. Fe+2 ion formed on the surface of iron creates Fe2O3 combining with 2OH-. IOREX disrupts this oxidation process by reversing the charge of the water and thereby preventing the combination of the Iron Ion with the oxygen in the water molecule. Existing rust on the pipe surface gradually melts down from this reverse oxidation process.

  3. Biofilm: The patented IOREX process breaks down the cell wall breaking down the cell wall of bacteria (including Legionella bacteria) and therefore interrupting the process by which bacteria grows into biofilm. The bacteria die before they are able to enter the cooling tower internals and therefore are not able to reproduce and form biofilm.

IOREX changes the equation, no longer do you need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on chemical inhibitors to keep your cooling tower free of rust, scale, bio-film and slime.

Return on Investment

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ultricies bibendum condimentum. Nunc in eros ut ligula dapibus auctor. Phasellus ex leo, fringilla non odio at, vulputate maximus orci. Suspendisse vehicula fermentum ligula. Vivamus varius egestas ex, ac feugiat nisi ultricies quis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ut urna non sapien hendrerit hendrerit. Nunc at pulvinar massa. Aenean velit diam, porttitor sit amet varius et, efficitur ut erat. Aliquam a eleifend velit, ac consequat nisl. Nullam venenatis urna tincidunt libero dapibus suscipit. Morbi aliquam tortor eu sapien efficitur mattis. Vestibulum sed eros pretium, faucibus nibh quis, condimentum arcu. Phasellus aliquet tortor ac lectus dignissim, sed porta dolor cursus.